Gerhard Boschis an economist and sociologist, Professor at the University Duisburg-Essen and Director of the Institute Work and Qualification (IAQ). He has published widely in the areas of comparative employment systems, low wages, industrial relations, and vocational education and training. Recent publications include Bosch, G., Weinkopf, C. (eds.), 2008: Low-wage work in Germany. (New York) and Bosch, G., Lehndorff, S. (eds.), 2005: Working in the service sector: a tale from different worlds. London: Routledge.Jean Charestis an economist and professor at the École de relations industrielles of the University of Montreal, Canada. His research and publications are concerned with public policies on the labour force, industrial relations institutions, labour force training and unionism. He is also a researcher at CRIMT (Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la mondialisation et le travail / Interuniversity Research Centre on Globalization and Work), where he coordinates public policy research.