Gheorghe Ghe Borcan Born on January 6, 1950 in Dobrești commune, Argeș county to Christian parents Floarea and Gheorghe.Education 1. Master's degree in Formal Languages and Compiler Construction Techniques, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Bucharest, 1973-1974, general average 10; 2. Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Bucharest, 1969-1973, general average 9.50; 3. Since January 1984, Principal Scientific Researcher 3 at the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI, Bucharest.Competences Multiple, in Mathematics, Formal Languages and Compilers, Programming in over 10 programming languages, Databases, Operating Systems, Mathematical Modeling and Optimization, MS-Office, image processing, HTML, Java Script and others for creating websites on the Internet, etc.Special achievements Decisive contribution to the implementation of the ALLO mathematical modeling language and the SAMO integrated modeling and optimization system. In 1995 ALLO was in the top 7 similar languages used in large research, modeling and problem solving centers!Foreign Languages: English, French, Russian, intermediate level.Author or co-author completely edited by the undersigned 1. The Miraculous Sudoku Game, 2010, ISBN 978-973-0-08145-9. It is a first because it contains the history, the mathematical model of solving integers and 288 problems with their solutions, a lot at that time; 2. The Miraculous Sudoku, English, 2021, PDF. 288 puzzles with their solutions, 2013, updated 2021; 3. Sudoku KeB, English, 2010. It has been edited in a special format that allows viewing on multiple Kindle devices. Address: ; 4. ALLO, SAMO Language, Advanced System for Linear Modeling and Optimization, 15 Jan 2021, ISBN 978-973-0-33551-4; 5. The Miraculous Game of Chess, 2021, ISBN 978-973-0-33750-1; 6. History of Romanian IT, Appearance, Development and Impact, coordinator Marin Vlada, V5, Ed. Matrix Rom, 2021, ALLO Language and SAMO System, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, pp. 503-513, ISBN 978-606-25-0650 -6; 7. Dobrești Commune, Argeș, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, Vasile T. Ionescu, Sfântul Ierah Nicolae Publishing House, Brăila, 2021, ISBN 978-606-30-3622-4; 8. Legends of Dobrești Village, Argeș, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, Ionel Bătrânu, Sfântul Ierah Nicolae Publishing House, Brăila, 2021, ISBN 978-606-30-3628-6; 9. Dumitru Anghel, A man between men, Gheorghe Ghe. Borcan, Florin D. Anghel, Dumitru Anghel, Publishing House Sfântul Ierah Nicolae, Brăila, 2021, ISBN 978-973-0-34859-0. 3. I have created multiple web pages related to these and more. Other aspects Chess: Candidate for Master in the practical game of chess. I participated in individual competitions such as the Capital Final, the Country Semi-final, Opens. As a member of some chess teams, I participated in the championship of the Capital and the one in the country. Press articles: About 25 articles and about the same number of unpublished articles.