Gunter Pauli

GUNTER PAULI is a born entrepreneur whose scope of initiatives spans business, culture, science and education. In 1994, with the support of the Japanese government and the United Nations University, he launched an initiative to design an economic framework and business model that converts all waste, including emissions, into a value-added cascade, modelled on ecosystems. In 2004, he launched a research project identifying the innovations that will shift business towards higher levels of competitiveness and sustainability, while generating millions of jobs through the creation of a platform for entrepreneurship. In early 2010, he personally directed a two-year initiative that each week for 100 weeks presented another business model to inspire entrepreneurs to translate these opportunities into worldwide business initiatives. Pauli is the author of 17 books published in 21 languages, and of 36 fables that bring science and entrepreneurship to children at an early age. The Blue Economy / Version 2.0 outlines how to go beyond green, generating multiple cash flows, reducing risk and embracing break-throughs that shift the business model to a competitive framework where entrepreneurs respond to local needs with what is locally available.