Ed Sheringham Hugh Tempest

Hugh Tempest Sheringham was born into a clerical family - his father was a Vicar in Tewkesbury - and yet he was never drawn to the church. He won a scholarship to Westminster and then he took a classical tripos at Cambridge. In 1903, while fishing on the Lambourn, he met William Senior, the Editor of The Field, and was offered the job of Angling Editor of that magazine. It was a job he held until his death in 1930, at the age of 54. Besides his regular magazine articles, we wrote several novels and six fishing books, including An Angler's Hours, An Open Creel, Elements of Angling, Coarse Fishing, Trout Fishing: memories and morals and Fishing: its Cause, Treatment and Cure. He wrote with passion about the pleasures of coarse fishing which, unusually for his generation, he rated as highly as trout and salmon fishing.