Heinz Duthel

Heinz Duthel, Master in PhilosophyBorn 1950 in GermanyJoint the French Foreign Legion 1966First book published 1979 (Es ist 5 vor 12) with the assistance of Heinrich Boell, SPK and RH of the German University BielefeldServed for several Government Services until 1999From 2000 till today, Consultant EUISS,Member of:BDWI.de DeutschlandATTAC.de Germany - another world is possible!International Society for PhilosophersPhilosophers Todayiccnow.orgI like to thanks and remember my teacher and best friend I ever had, Dr. Joachim Koch who passed away on 17.9.2008Publisher and Editor of www.philosophers-today.comHeinz Duthel, February 2011Shopping cart software GuideDirectory of Free and Open Source Ecommerce SoftwareE-commerce typesE-Commerce and E-BusinessDrop shippinghttp://www.amazon.com/-/e/B002ZKBWHShttp://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B002ZKBWHS