Hieronymus Bosch

Hieronymus Bosch was a Dutch painter who lived between 1450 and 1516, besides that and his art there isn't a whole lot to know about him. He didn't leave any diaries or memoirs and appears very rarely in public records. We do know however that he lived in a time when religious intolerance and persecution was in full swing in Europe. Is his art a commentary of the times, or the result of a very strong hallucinogenic tea? I think it may be both. The Alien theorist in me has always thought after seeing his work that he may very well have been witness to some crazy extra-terrestrials.Bosh was a popular painter in his time and received several commissions throughout Europe. Boschis especially known for his paintings depicting the "Garden of Earthly Delights" and "Hell". Both arefeatured in-part in this collection. Look out especially for things coming out of people's backsides and the things you'll miss ten times in a picture until you find it looking back out at you. Weird people pods, magic, tons of nakedness and interracial make-outs, make this man my psych-out hero, especially when you keep in mind this was all made 500 years ago. It has always brought me pleasure to include his work in my projects.I hope you enjoy these images as much as I have.