James F. Twyman

James Twyman is the author of sixteen books including the New York Times bestseller The Moses Code. Known as the Peace Troubadour, James has been invited by world leaders and peace organizations to perform the Peace Concert in countries like Iraq, Croatia, Bosnia and South Africa, often while wars or conflicts raged around him. During many of these trips he drew millions of people together to pray for peace during worldwide peace meditations. James has produced and/or directed seven feature films including award winners Indigo and Redwood Highway, and has produced twelve music CD’s including the “I AM Wishes Fulfilled Meditation” (with Dr. Wayne Dyer) which was a Billboard Charts #1 bestseller. He also was the founder of The Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking, which has ordained over 600 ministers from around the world. He currently lives in Ajijic, Mexico and is the director of the Namaste Lake Chapala spiritual community.