James Roberts is a British comic book writer best known for his contributions to the Transformers franchise, having worked consistently with the robots in disguise since he co-wrote the 2010 limited series, Last Stand of the Wreckers, with Nick Roche. His first solo story, the two-part "Chaos Theory," appeared in Mike Costa's ongoing Transformers title and explored the origins of Optimus Prime and Megatron's relationship. He and Costa co-plotted the series' finale, "Chaos." Roberts is best known, however, for Transformers- More Than Meets the Eye (often abbreviated to MTMTE), the ongoing series that launched in January 2012 and ran for 57 issues, plus annuals and one-shots. James won Best Writer in the 2017 Comixology Readers' Choice Awards for Transformers- Lost Light, which itself won Best Series.