Ever since she heard her first fairy tale, Jamie Denton has been a staunch supporter of happily-ever-after. For her, there's nothing quite as heart-warming as the happy ending for a hero and heroine who overcome the odds. At the age of sixteen, Jamie married her high school sweetheart. Still happily wed nearly forty years later, she still recalls the first time she saw her future husband and knew, even at that tender age, he was The One. With a history like that, what else could she write except romances?Jamie and her hero live with two very hairy Golden Retrievers in rural Pennsylvania. When she's not writing, Jamie also works for a small law firm as a Paralegal, a job she loves almost as much as writing. She refill her creative well with gardening plans, a needlework project or trying out a new recipe in the kitchen. Occasionally, she can even be found curled up on the sofa with a book (what else but a romance?) and her two fur babies, Dudley and Maggie.You can write to Jamie by visiting her website www.jamiedentonbooks.com, on Twitter @JamieDenton or on Facebook www.facebook.com/jamiedentonbooks.