Jane Gray Morrison is an ecologist whose work has taken her to over 30 countries. As a filmmaker, Ms. Morrison has produced numerous films for such networks as Discovery, PBS (where she also Co-Directed "A Day in the Life of Ireland" for Irish Television and WNET/New York), “Hotspots” (www.hotspots-thefilm.com) and Turner Broadcasting for which she served as Senior Producer for "Voice of the Planet," a 10-hour dramatic series based upon the history of life on Earth. Her books include "Sanctuary: Global Oases of Innocence" (www.sanctuary-thebook.com; “Donkey: The Mystique of Equus Asinus;” “God’s Country: The New Zealand Factor;” and “No Vacancy.” She has co-written five books published by Springer. Since 1999, Jane Morrison has served as the Executive Vice President of Dancing Star Foundation a non-profit organization that focuses on the interdisciplinary humanities and social justice movements as they concern humankind's relationship to the natural world.