Jess Fink

Jess Fink (she/they) is a cartoonist and illustrator focused on romance and autobiography. In 2017, Jess won the Ignatz Award for Outstanding Series for their books Chester 5000 and Chester 5000 (Book 2)- Isabelle and George. Their other works include We Can Fix It- A Time Travel Memoir (Top Shelf, 2012). Their comics can also be found in the anthologies Smut Peddler 1 (Iron Circus, 2012), Smut Peddler 2 (Iron Circus, 2014), and Smut Peddler Presents- My Monster Boyfriend (Iron Cirus, 2016). Jess's illustrations have been featured in various publications, but the ones they're most proud of are We Are Become Pals (Topatoco, 2011), a beautiful book about best friends by Joey Comeau, and the tabletop role-playing romance game Star Crossed (Bully Pulpit, 2019) by Alex Roberts, winner of the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming.