Jonathan Strahan

Jonathan Strahan was born in 1964 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is an editor and publisher of science fiction. His family moved to Perth, Western Australia in 1968, and he graduated from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Arts in 1986. In 1990 he co-founded Eidolon: The Journal of Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy, and worked on it as co-editor and co-publisher until 1999. He was also co-publisher of Eidolon Books which published Robin Pen's The Secret Life of Rubber-Suit Monsters, Howard Waldrop's Going Home Again, Storm Constantine's The Thorn Boy, and Terry Dowling's Blackwater Days. In 2015 he was nominated in the editor and anthology categories for the Locus Awards with the title Reach for Infinity. In 2018, he won the 2017 Aurealis Awards for the best Australian anthology for his book, Infinity Wars.