Kim Russo

KIM RUSSO is known around the world as "The Happy Medium." With a devoted following of 300,000 on Facebook and 31,000 on Twitter, Kim has many speaking opportunities, and currently speaks at hundreds of engagements across the country to an audience of thousands. Before working as a Medium, Kim had led a typical life, pursuing a career in real estate and raising three children. It wasn't until later in her life that Kim completely embraced her gift of mediumship, which occurred after many years of facing her own skepticism. Kim considers herself to be a psychic journalist, as it is her common practice to carefully interview each spirit who speaks to her. She is the star of Lifetime Movie Network's Psychic Intervention and The Haunting Of (currently airing in reruns around the world), where she worked with celebrity clients who had a paranormal experience. Kim currently lives in Long Island, New York.