Lee Dugatkin

Dr. Lee Alan Dugatkin is an evolutionary biologist and historian of science and a professor and Distinguished University Scholar in the Department of Biology at the University of Louisville. He is the author of many books including Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose: Natural History in Early America (The University of Chicago Press, 2009), The Altruism Equation (Princeton University Press), and Cheating Monkeys and Citizen Bees (Free Press, 1999). His books have been translated into Japanese, Chinese, German and Spanish. Dr. Dugatkin is an a contributor to Scientific American and The New Scientist and has presented public talks on his books and research at PopTech!, The Idea Festival, The American Museum of Natural History, The Smithsonian Institute and many other venues. His work has garnered full-length articles in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and dozens of other newspapers, magazines and journals across the world. Dr. Dugatkin has also spoken about his books and research at over seventy-five major universities including Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, Oxford University, The University of Copenhagen, Cornell, The University of Chicago, The London School of Economics, and Cambridge University.