Len Unsworth is Professor in English and Literacies Education in the Institute for Learning Sciences and Teacher Education (ILSTE), at the Australian Catholic University in Sydney, Australia. Len’s current research interests include systemic functional semiotic perspectives on multimodal and digital literacies in English and in curriculum area teaching and learning in primary and secondary schools. He is the lead researcher on an Australian Research Council funded project on Multiliteracies for Addressing Disadvantage in Senior High School Scienceand has published in the International Journal of Science Education and in Research in Science Education with an extensive record of publication in leading journals in literacy and education as well book chapters and a number of books, including recently: Functional Grammatics: Reconceptualising Knowledge about Language and Image for School English with Mary Macken-Horarik, Kristina Love and Carmel Sandiford (Routledge, 2017); English Teaching and New Literacies Pedagogy: Interpreting and authoring digital multimedia narratives with Angela Thomas (Peter Lang Publishing 2014); and Reading Visual Narratives (Equinox, 2013) with Clare Painter and Jim Martin.