Lori Copeland never dreamed that she would be a writer. She never aspired to write, only to make people feel better about themselves. Then one day someone handed her a romance novel and said, "You should write a book." Lori thought they'd lost their mind, but eventually the idea took root and for her own personal pleasure (without the slightest thought of actually selling the book) she wrote her first secular romance, Playing for Keeps. God does have surprises up His sleeve. Unbelievable surprises. Within six weeks the book sold to Dell Publishing and she has been writing ever since. Lori spent 15 years in the secular market with publishers like Dell, Fawcett, Harlequin and Avon then moved to the Inspirational market when God opened the doors for her.Often she is asked: "How many books have you published?" She stopped counting years ago--but certainly enough to be called "seasoned," "experienced" and "been around for a while." Lori loves her work; she loves her readers who have faithfully followed her from secular to inspiration to simply Lori Copeland books. Her continuing goal is to provide the reader with a smile and a chuckle, and a sizable dose of common sense whether it is inspirational or secular material. If you're one of her faithful readers, she thanks you. If you're new to her books, she welcomes you aboard! Lori hopes her stories will brighten your day and make you even more aware that it's good to be alive.You can read more about Lori's work and contact her at www.loricopeland.com.