Luh Metri Sulistya Sudeni

Luh Metri Sulistya Sudeni is a university student at English Language Education Department in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. She actives in joining academic and non-academic activities in several stages like university, district, province, or even nationally. She also fills her days as a freelancer, English private teacher, teacher in one of the hospitality school in her town, and actives in social activities to teach dyslexic children at one of the foundations in North Bali. She also helps the societies and children who are facing the poverty and struggling with education with her organization partner and her personal family members. In her free time, she loves to dance and watching movie. She is good in team working, she works with some organization in her campus, province, and national. Writing is a challenging thing for her, writing will convey thoughts in the valley of knowledge. Through this writing, she learns as a beginner who will continue to practice and spread kindness.