Prof. Miklas Scholz, cand ing, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng, FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA holds the Chair in Civil Engineering at The University of Salford. He is the Head of the Civil Engineering Research Group. Prof. Scholz has shown individual excellence evidenced by world-leading publications, postgraduate supervision and research impact. His main research areas in terms of publication output are as follow: treatment wetlands, integrated constructed wetlands, sustainable flood retention basins, permeable pavement systems, decision support systems, ponds and capillary suction time. About 50% and 45% of his overall research is in water resources management and wastewater treatment, respectively. He has published two books and more than 170 journal articles. Between 2009 and 2015, he toped the publication list in terms of numbers for all members of staff at The University of Salford. Prof. Scholz's full journal article publications in recent years are as follows: 2009 (13), 2010 (19), 2011 (13), 2012 (21), 2013 (17) and 2014 (15). He publishes regularly in the following relevant journals with high impact factors: Bioresource Technology, Building and Environment, Desalination, Ecological Engineering, Environmental Modelling and Software, Environmental Pollution, Journal of Environmental Management, Landscape and Urban Planning, Science of the Total Environment and Water Research. Prof. Scholz has total citations of more than 2420 (above 1920 citations since 2009), resulting in an H-Index of 25 and an i10-Index of 58. Prof. Scholz is Editor-in-Chief of the Web of Science-listed journal Water and eleven further journals. He has membership experience of over 30 influential editorial boards. Prof. Scholz is a Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment Council. He was elected in 2008, and subsequently re-elected in 2012. Miklas has always a currently active income of usually £270,000. His income over the past six years is typically £1,500,000. This includes research and other grants, and consultancy. The SFRB concept assesses the multi-functionality of all large water bodies such as reservoirs with reference to their flood and diffuse pollution control potential. A novel and unbiased classification system allows all stakeholders to clearly define the purpose of a water body. His research has led to the incorporation of findings into national and international guidelines on wetland and sustainable drainage systems. The new guidelines on SFRB and ICW have led to the international uptake of both the SFRB and ICW concepts.