Margaret Fulton

Margaret Fulton is an Australian food writer who has written over 20 books on the subject of home cooking. Fulton was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in the 1983 Queen's Birthday Honors, and in 1998 her name was added to the National Trust's 100 Australian Living Treasures. It was her first title, The Margaret Fulton Cookbook (1968), "that planted the little Scot's flag firmly in the soil of Australian domestic history. She gave an affluent Australian generation the confidence to tackle coq au vin, boeuf bourguignon and Caesar salad in their home kitchen. The most successful Aussie cookbook ever, The Margaret Fulton Cookbook's 50th anniversary edition was published in 2018. Her more than 25 books include Margaret Fulton's Encyclopedia of Food and Cookery; Margaret Fulton's Baking Classics; Margaret Fulton: Slow Cooking; and an autobiography, I Sang for My Supper. Margaret Fulton passed away on July 24, 2019 at the age of 94.