Margarita Ryutova (Kemoklidze) received her MSc and PhD from the famous Landau Theoretical Department, Kapitsa Institute for Physical Problems, Moscow and worked there until she married and moved to Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. Since 1994 she lives in the United States where she has been affiliated with Stanford Lockheed Institute for Space Research in Palo Alto and Lawrence Livermore National laboratory. She has 30 years of experience in teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Physics and Mathematics. This includes supervising graduate and PhD students. She has published over 100 research papers and reviews in various fields of theoretical and experimental physics such as Statistical Physics, Solar Physics, Laboratory and Plasma Astrophysics, Nonlinear Fluid Dynamics, Solitons, Shocks and Selforganization, Superfluidity and Superconductivity. Along with research in physics, she works in and has published books and essays on the history of physics and mathematics.