Mark Stemmler is a Full Professor of Psychological Assessment, Quantitative Methods and Forensic Psychology at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. He received his master’s degree from the Technical University Berlin in 1989 and his PhD from the Pennsylvania State University in 1993. His recent publications include Deviance and Delinquency in Childhood and Adolescence: New Approaches in Criminological Research (with S. Wallner, M. Weiss, and J. Reinecke, 2018 Springer), Assessment of Dementia (with J. Kornhuber, 2018), and Dependent Data in Social Sciences Research: Forms, Issues, and Methods of Analysis (with A. von Eye and W. Wiedermann, 2015 Springer). His research interests encompass developmental psychology, evaluation research, psychological assessment and methodology, specifically categorical data analysis. He has worked on longitudinal studies in the US and Germany.