Mark Tehranipoor

Mark Tehranipoor is the Intel Charles E. Young Professor in Cybersecurity at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), University of Florida. Prof. Tehranipoor has published over 300 journal articles and refereed conference papers and has given more than 150 invited talks and keynote addresses since 2006. In addition, he has published six books and ten book chapters. His projects are sponsored by both industry (Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), Texas Instruments, Freescale Comcast, Honeywell, LSI, Mentor Graphics, Juniper, R3Logic, Cisco, Qualcomm, MediaTeck, etc.) and the US Government (NSF, ARO, MDA, DOD, AFOSR, DOE, etc.). Prior to joining the University of Florida, Dr. Tehranipoor served as the founding director of the Center for Hardware Assurance, Security, and Engineering (CHASE) and the Comcast Center of Excellence in Security Innovation (CSI) at the University of Connecticut. Prof. Tehranipoor is a Senior Member of the IEEE, Golden Core Member of IEEE Computer Society, and Member of ACM and ACM SIGDA. He is also a member of Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (CASE).