Megan Havervlok

Megan Havervlok is eight years old, and she's pretty smart for her age.Megan lives with 19 other girls in the orphanage The Forest Hill, in Polderdam. Her best friends are Pauline, Astrid and Ro. Pauline is neat, just the way Miss Galsteen of The Forest Hill likes it. Astrid always invents the craziest things. Ro's real name Roderick, but everyone thinks that's a stupid name (who calls his child Roderick?), so they always call him Ro. Together they are in group 4 of primary school De Hobbel.Polderdam is the most boring village in the Netherlands, and Megan loves to experience adventures. Luckily, Granny came by. She asked Megan for help, with maths and baking eggs, but also with solving cases. Granny is a superhero by profession. Of course, superheroes experience the most exciting and funniest adventures every day, but a superhero's sidekick is only allowed on an adventure if she has done her schoolwork and her chores around the house first.Every morning, Megan writes in her notebook about her adventures with Granny on the previous day. She bundled that colourful collection of adventures, with a beautiful drawing by Gerard Monster on the cover. Super Granny is a delicious book for grandmothers and grandchildren.