A German and U.S. national, Melanie Levensohn studied literature and international relations in France and Chile. She earned her master’s degree from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris. Later she became a spokesperson for the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, and travelled to some of the most complex political hotspots around the world. She reported from Liberia during the civil war in 2003 and was based in Amman, Jordan, as a UN spokesperson during the Iraq war. From 2006-2013 Melanie worked as a communications expert at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., managing corporate external relations for the Caribbean region with a special focus on reconstruction and development Haiti in the wake of the devastating earthquake in 2010. When she got married, Melanie joined her husband in the Napa Valley, California, where they created an award winning estate wine over ten years. In 2021, they moved back to Geneva.