Melissa Jonsson

Melissa Joy is best known for her ability to engage people from all over the world to embrace their true authentic power through accessing universal consciousness by playing in the field of the heart. She has a unique perspective on how we are able to experience living joyfully, and loving completely from a state of grace. Melissa Joy has been teaching Matrix Energetics life transformational seminars around the globe since 2008. She is also the founder and instructor of the 'M-Joy Of Being' seminar series, a unifying movement in consciousness dedicated to exploring and expanding heart-centered awareness and practical personal empowerment. She is sought after as a respected published author, as well as a frequent guest speaker on global radio broadcasts. She is well known for her eloquent articulation, and personable accessibility on both nationally and internationally recognized social media platforms. Melissa Joy is passionate about inspiring others to realize their True Authentic Self (TAS) with practical, creative, and powerful wisdom that she embodies every day. She enjoys long runs near the ocean, reading, walking barefoot in the sand, and sharing with people the joyful journey of living their infinite potential.