Dr. Michele Sciurba, born 1968 in Palermo, Italy, studied Common and International Law at the University of Liverpool and Administrative Law at the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management in Kyiv. He was a member of the European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO) and worked as a lecturer for industrial and operating policies. During his career, he advised various government organisations concerning economic development issues (2008 e.g. he participated in the High Level Conference on World Food Security of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in Rome). Sciurba is active for NGOs in the field of international law and human rights issues as a caseworker. Since 1999, he is managing director of the Frankfurt-based think tank GMVV & Co. GmbH. Besides, Michele Sciurba is a journalist for national and international media, including the "Journal Frankfurt" and the Ukrainian Newspaper "Kyiv Post". He is also a columnist for the international magazine "Impakter" and published various essays on legal and socio-political issues.