Moshe Jarden

Moshe Jarden was born in 1942 in Tel Aviv, Israel. In 1970 hereceived his Ph.D in Mathematics from the Hebrew University ofJerusalem having Hillel Furstenberg as his thesis advisor. He spentthree years (1972-1974) at the Mathematisches Institut of Heidelbergwith Peter Roquette as his mentor and habilitated there in 1972. Theyears he spent in Heidelberg laid the foundation to a long termedcooperation with German mathematicians, especially with PeterRoquette, Wulf-Dieter Geyer, Gerhard Frey, and Juergen Ritter. As atoken to his achievements in Mathematics and his fruitfulcooperation with German mathematicians the Alexander von HumboldtFoundation granted Jarden in 2001 the L. Meithner-A.v.HumboldtPrize. In the autumn of 1974 Jarden returned to Israel and joinedthe School of Mathematics of Tel Aviv University, where he became afull professor in 1982 and the incumbent of the Cissie and AaronBeare chair in Algebra and Number Theory in 1998. Jointly withMichael Fried, Jarden published the book "Field Arithmetic" in theseries Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete of Springer.He won the Landau Prize for the publication of that book.Moshe Jarden inherited his love to Mathematics from his father Dr.Dov Jarden who was both a Hebrew linguistic and a mathematician. Heis married to Rina, has three daughters Kmeha, Hemyat, and Uri, anda son Guy. He also has thirteen grandchildren and lives inMevasseret Zion, near Jerusalem.