Narasingha Sil

Narasingha P. Sil studied history at the Presidency College and the University of Calcutta as well as at the University of Oregon, obtaining his doctoral degree in English history from the latter institution. Dr. Sil taught the history of Early Modern Europe and Tudor & Stuart England at colleges in Calcutta and Chandernagore for three years and at the University of Benin, Nigeria for seven years before moving to Western Oregon University in January 1987, from where he retired as Professor Emeritus of History in July 2011. He has published several monographs and numerous articles and book-reviews and encyclopedia entries in scholarly presses and journals around the globe. He has also written books on Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Sarada Devi. He was invited to contribute articles to the Encyclopedia of Religion (2nd edition) and the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (New DNB). Dr. Sil has received campus recognition for scholarship twice. Among his recent relevant publications may be mentioned “Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Sharatchandra on Love and Sex: A Tour de Force” (Sage Open January-March 2014), and “Sharatchandra’s Caste and Gender Consciousness: A Reassessment” (Sage Open January-March 2015).