Niranjan Karak

Niranjan Karak, M.Tech., Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur) is a Professor of Polymer Science and Nanomaterials of Chemical Sciences Department and Head, Sophisticated and Analytical Instrument Center (SAIC) of Tezpur University (A Central University). Prof. Karak was also a Post-doctoral Fellow of Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Visiting Professor of Prof. J. W. Cho's Laboratory, Department of Textile Engineering, Konkuk University, South Korea, as well as Guest Researcher of Lebnitz Institute of Polymer Research, Dresden, Germany. He had more than eighteen years in academic and one year industrial experience in the field. Dr. Karak has published about 174 research papers including review articles in reputed national and international Journals, and presented several research papers as well as invited talks based on his research group's findings in India and abroad. He is also the main author of a reference book entitled, Dendrimers and Hyperbranched Polymers Synthesis to Applications' and sole author of a text book entitled, Fundamentals of Polymers-Raw Materials to Finish Products' and an axillary text book on Vegetable Oil Based Polymers: Preparation, Properties, Processing and Applications'. Dr. Karak has executed nine Government sponsored research projects from UGC, CSIR, DST, DRDO, DRL, NRB, DBT, etc. and two consultancy projects of a multinational industry. Prof. Karak guided numerous students for their MSc/MTech projects, fifteen research scho