Novri Susan

Novri Susan is a lecturer in the Sociology Department at Universitas Airlangga, and is also the director of the Center for Development and Conflict Management Studies at Universitas Airlangga. He received his doctoral degree from Doshisha University, Kyoto, in the field of Contemporary Asian Studies. His Masters was obtained from the United Nations-mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica, in the field of International Peace Studies. His Bachelor's degree is from Universitas Gadjah Mada in the field of sociology. Novri Susan has published several books in Bahasa Indonesia such as Sosiologi Konflik (Sociology of Conflict), Negara Gagal Mengelola Konflik (State Failure in Conflict Management), Sosiologi Korupsi (Sociology of Corruption) and several book chapters. He has also published several papers related to conflict issues in journals and international conference proceedings.