Ole Keller is professor emeritus of theoretical physics at Aalborg University, Denmark. He earned his Licentiate (∼ PhD) degree in semiconductor physics from the Danish Technical University in Copenhagen in 1972, and the Doctor of Science degree from the University of Aarhus (1996). In 1989 he was appointed as the first professor in physics at Aalborg University by Margrethe Den Anden, queen of Denmark. The same year he was admitted to Kraks Blaa Bog, a prestigious Danish biographical dictionary which (citatum) ”Includes men and women, whose life story could have an interest for a wider public”. He is a fellow of the Optical Society of America.He has written the books entitled Quantum Theory of Near-Field Electrodynamics (Springer, 2011) and LIGHT - The Physics of the Photon (CRC, 2014), as well as the monographs Local Fields in the Electrodynamics of Mesoscopic Media (Physics Reports, 1996) and On the Theory of Spatial Localization of Photons (Physics Reports, 2005). He is the editor of the books Nonlinear Optics in Solids (Springer, 1990), Studies in Classical and Quantum Nonlinear Optics (Nova Science, 1995) and Notions and Perspectives of Nonlinear Optics (World Scientific, 1996).In recent years he has carried out theoretical research in fundamental photon physics, microscopic few-photon diffraction, mesoscopic and Möbius band electrodynamics, and studied magnetic monopole theory based on QED and the isovector Maxwell equations in non-Abelian gauge symmetry.