Paul A. Keddy has been a professor of ecology for more than 40 years and has published over 150 scholarly papers and six books. His awards include a National Wetlands Award for Science Research from the Environmental Law Institute, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Wetland Scientists, and a Meritorious Service Medal from the Governor General of Canada. Dr. Keddy’s Wetland Ecology: Principles and Conservation, now entering its third edition, has won a Merit Award from SWS. Dr. Keddy lives within a nature reserve in Canada, where he continues research, writing, and public lectures. He has served as a volunteer to organizations such as NSF, NSERC, World Wildlife Fund, and The Nature Conservancy. His work in theoretical ecology includes A Framework for Community Ecology, co-authored with Daniel Laughlin. His applied work has covered protection of wetlands and forests in areas including Nova Scotia, Louisiana, and Ontario.