Philip Pallette

Philip B. Pallette is an incredibly diverse author who has published The Game Changer- How Hank Luisetti Revolutionized America’s Great Indoor Game, Planning for Retirement- Relax, It’s Play Time!, Little Boy Found,Me? Buy an Electric Car? Hah, Never! But if you gotta buy one, here are some things you may want to know.The latest work from Philip comes as a sequel to Sinful Duty, Sinful Fathers. Soon to be released is Book 3 in the series, Sinful Sisters.Philip’s adventurous life is what has enabled him to write about a wide range of topics frombiographies to effective financial planning and technology. His professional experience as an ITspecialist led to research in technological advances that prove useful in the future, especially inelectric cars.Aside from this, Philip has a great love for music and the arts, playing the clarinet in concerts.He has had the joy of performing with the likes of the Manhattan School Orchestra, the VerdiRequiem, and the Mozart Opera Cosi Fan Tutti. Before his career in IT, he sold pianos—even toa few Hollywood stars!His vivid imagination comes from a colorful life. The first 14 years of his life were spent on theWest Coast before traveling to different countries in Europe and South America. Thesecountries and cultures opened his mind to life beyond the ‘norm’, and he takes great pleasure inincorporating his stories with his characters' own experiences.While many see retirement as a chance to slow down after years of commitment andresponsibilities, Philip sees this time as perfect for learning and sharing. Romance and mysterysurrounding the 70s are common themes in his books but with such a full life (that is very muchstill going), Philip is more than capable of surprising us with new topics to intrigue us all!