Ralph D. Ellis

Ralph D. Ellis received his Ph.D. from Duquesne University, Pennsylvania and a postdoctoral M.S. from Georgia State University. A lifelong practitioner of Gendlin's 'focusing' method, he has worked as a social worker as well as a teacher, and is interested in integrating the social sciences with enactive consciousness theory. His books include An Ontology of Consciousness (2010), Theories of Criminal Justice (1990), Coherence and Verification in Ethics (1991), Questioning Consciousness (1995), Eros in a Narcissistic Culture (2012), Just Results: Ethical Foundations for Policy Analysis (1998), Love and the Abyss (2004), Curious Emotions (2005), and he has co-authored a book with Natika Newton on enactivist consciousness theory called How the Mind Uses the Brain (2010).