Ric Shreves

Ric Shreves is a partner in Water & Stone (www.waterandstone.com), a Web development company that specialises in Open Source Content Management Systems. Since 1996, Ric has been building Web sites and has extensive experience with content management systems. Over the years he has worked on CMS-powered Web sites for BASF, Colgate-Palmolive, Tesco, FPDSavills, Sino Group, CBRichard Ellis, Mercy Corps, University of North Carolina, and many, many others. He is an active member of CM Professionals and of the Mambo Foundation. Ric currently resides in Bali where he is testing his theory that an IT professional should be able to make a living anywhere with a notebook computer and an Internet connection. He says so far all he has been able to prove is that is a beautiful theory...