Rochelle Bradley

Rochelle puts an artistic spin on everything she does but there are two things she fails at miserably:1. Cooking (seriously, she can burn water)2. Sewing (buttons immediately fall back off) She loves baking and makes a mean BTS (Better than Sex) cake. When in observation mode she is quiet, however, her mouth is usually open with an encouraging glass-is-half-full pun or, quite possibly, her foot. She is a Bearcat, a Buckeye, an interior decorator, and fluent in sarcasm. In 2008, when her youngest entered Kindergarten, she decided to get the stories out of her head. Midway through her first novel, hurricane Ike (yes, a hurricane in Ohio) rendered the laptop useless with a nine-day power outage. She didn't give up, but continued to pursue her dream. Every November Rochelle takes on the challenge of National Novel Writing Month ( where she endeavors to write 50,000 words in thirty days. You can often hear her cheering the Dayton area Wrimos (those who join her in this crazy pursuit). Rochelle shares her home with a big black cat, an itty-bitty orange tiger kitty, her daughter, her son, and her Prince. She loves to connect with readers. You can find her on Facebook (search for Author Rochelle Bradley), Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Visit Rochelle's website to sign up for her newsletter to keep up to date about future novels and book signings (