Tanya Arora is a newly budding poet from India. It's been years when she started writing but she fell in love with it. When she realized the little magic writings did in her life. She believes that writings aren't just about words decorated with feelings rather she believes that words and emotions can only decorate beauty when added in a perfect proportion. For her, this is the simplest definition of poetry. Poetry came out of her as a thought of reality or incidents which are common like wounds that not everyone shares but tries to relate. in her writings, Tanya brings up points which one day or other everyone finds true. She moves towards finding herself in her words till describing self-love, traumas, hope, peace, space, and relationships. Some of her favorite writers are Rupi Kaur, Amrita Pritam, Gulzar, Jane Austen, Khalil Gibran, and many more. Tanya's debut poetry book is a collection of small tales in form of poems. It describes a little more about the grip and holds the process of love. We all go through certain phases and that's what her book tells about the Phases of Love. The book is a testimony of her own love towards reaching her love.She happily describes that love comes with a gift wrap of pain,fight and little problems. But we should enjoy whats inside and thats Love.