The author, Tarek I. Zohdi is a world-leading scientist with a remarkable number of high class publications including over 135 archival refereed journal papers, seven books as well as various handbook and encyclopedia chapters. He serves on the editorial advisory boards of ten international journals. Also, he is an editor of the leading journal Computational Mechanics and co-founder and editor-in-chief of a new journal, Computational Particle Mechanics. He is also an editor of a book series on Computational Mechanics, published by John-Wiley. He is currently a Chancellor’s Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Chair of the Computational and Data Science and Engineering Program at UC Berkeley and holder of the W. C. Hall Family Endowed Chair in Engineering. He also holds a Staff Scientist position at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs and an Adjunct Scientist position at the Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute. His main research interests are in micromechanical material design, particulate flow and the mechanics of high-strength fabric, with emphasis on computational approaches for advanced manufacturing and nonconvex multiscale-multiphysics inverse problems.