V. I. Ferronskiĭ

V.I.Ferronsky obtained his Ph.D. and Dr. Sci. in Nuclear Geophysics. He is Professor of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. His positions are: Assistant Professor of Dept. of Soil Mechanics in Civil Engineering Institute, Moscow (1952 –1957); Head of Laboratory of Nuclear Applications in Geology (1958 – 1965) and Deputy Director (1965 – 1970) in the Research Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering geology, Moscow; Director of the Div. of Research and Laboratories of the International Atomic Energy Agency (1970 – 1973), Vienna; Head of the Department of Isotope Hydrology at the Institute of Water Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1973 – 1983), Moscow; Director of the Div. of Research and Laboratories of the International Atomic Energy Agency (1983 – 1987), Vienna; Principal Researcher of the Paleohydrology of the Caspian Sea Project in Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1987 up to now), Moscow. His publications, which are about 300, cover Applied nuclear geophysics, Isotopy of the Earth’s hydrosphere, Celestial mechanics and Global dynamics.