Vivienne Wallington

Vivienne is an Australian author, living in Melbourne, who has always loved reading and writing. Because she loved books so much, she chose a career as a librarian. While working and raising a family, she kept writing until eventually she had a children's book published. She wrote two more children's books before trying her hand at romance.She has since given up library work to write romance full-time. She has written 19 Harlequin Romance novels under the pseudonym Elizabeth Duke, and is now writing for Silhouette's lines under her own name. She and her husband, John, have a daughter, a son, and five lively grandchildren. She would love to hear from readers, who can email her at [email protected], or via snail mail c/o Silhouette Books, 6th Floor, 300 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, USA.