Wei-Bin Zhang

Wei-Bin Zhang is a Chinese-born professor of economics at Japan's prestigious Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University. He was a visiting scholar at universities in Sweden and Australia for 12 years, and frequently visits the US, Singapore and other countries.Prof. Zhang is the author of over a dozen published books in English on topics including economic growth and development in the Asia-Pacific region. His more recent titles include The Butterfly Effect in China’s Economic Growth - From Socialist Penury towards Marx’s Progressive Capitalism, The Rise and Fall of China’s Last Dynasty: The Deepening of the Chinese Servility and New China’s Long March from Servility to Freedom.Given his education as a technical economist, his broad knowledge of classical Chinese thought, and his experience in the West, Zhang is deeply intrigued by the ways in which ancient Oriental thought appears to surface amidst the most Occidental of social phenomena.