LATEEF TERRELL WARNICK is a Spiritual Author, Certified Life Coach, International Speaker and Founder of 1 S.O.U.L. He has a diverse and extensive background in the study of yoga, ancient texts, religious studies and human psychology. Your reviews are very important to our success. Please take a moment to leave your thoughts, feedback and/or comments for any purchase(s) you make. A portion of your proceeds goes towards our social network & non-profit work.He is author of the pioneering books "Know Thyself: To Awaken Self-Realization" and "The Golden Egg: Discover Your Secret Power Within." His teachings are in line with the esoteric interpretations of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Paramahansa Yogananda of Self-Realization Fellowship, Sri Yukteswar, Swami Vivekananda, Mooji and many other swamis, rishis and yogis.Lateef is a yogi, metaphysician and mystic. His teachings are based upon the premise that ""The Kingdom of God is within you!"" His goal is to spread a message of universal love and spirituality. He has created a platform at for spiritual networking and a place for like-minded Truth-Seekers, Authors, Instructors, Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Change Agents to support, educate and inspire one another to promote greater unity and enlightenment among the masses.YOGI RAMACHARAKA also described to be WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON was an author, as well as an occultist and an American pioneer of the New Thought movement that lived from December 5, 1862 - November 22, 1932. He wrote on many diverse topics of religion, yoga and spirituality.