1,22 tūkst. atsauksmes
Dipheko Mpebe
Sensational movie. Breathtaking scenes, well presented villeness. Very emotional movie that will put you at the edge of your seat. Loved every moment and I have watched it over 7 times and I still get amazed and notice new things that I missed last time due to its rich story.
1 persona atzīmēja šo atsauksmi kā noderīgu.
Martin van stein
- Atzīmēt kā nepiemērotu
- Rādīt atsauksmes vēsturi
Finally a good superhero movie again... it has everything; Story Characterdevelopment Humor Pacing Originality Jeff Goldbloom (yes that is a joke) Don't rent, buy!
223 personas atzīmēja šo atsauksmi kā noderīgu.
Kraal Nae-Dell
Didn´t like Thor before this movie. Now I like :D This movie should be rated "Comedy and Action", because made me laugh a lot. Stille laughed when watching second time. One of the best marvel movies (with guardians of the galaxy ofc.).
10 personas atzīmēja šo atsauksmi kā noderīgu.