warning_amberНема ниту аудио, ниту титлови на вашиот јазик. Титлови има на англиски, дански, естонски, исландски, кинески (традиционално), латвиски, литвански, малајски, норвешки, тајландски, турски, фински, француски, холандски и шведски.
За филмов
Disney's irresistible talking puppies are digging up adventure in a movie that takes them halfway across the world to the ruins of ancient Egypt. With the help of some exotic new friends, this epic journey is a treasure trove of pure Buddy fun. In a race against a devious cat, the Buddies and their new friends, Cammy and Babi, must avoid booby traps, solve puzzles, and explore a mysterious tomb all in search of the greatest treasure known to animalkind. Packed with action & heart, Treasure Buddies unleashes a celebration of teamwork and friendship your family will enjoy again and again.