Crito; or, A dialogue on beauty [translated] by H. Beaumont (pseud. of Joseph Spence). A particular account of the Emperor of China's gardens, in a letter from F. Attiret, translated by H. Beaumont. Deformity, by W. Hay. Lucina sine concubitu; a letter to the Royal Society [by A. Johnson, pseud. of John Hill] 1750. A modest defence of gaming, 1754. The pretty gentleman [by Philautus, pseud. of N. Lancaster] 1747. The polite philosopher, 1734. The plan of an essay upon delicacy, by N. Lancaster, 1748. v. 2. A vindication of natural society, by [Edmund Burke], 1756. The history and antiquities of the ancient villa of Wheatfield, in the county of Suffolk, 1758. Fragments of ancient poetry, collected in the Highlands of Scotland, and translated from the Galic, 1760. An account of Russia as it was in the year 1710, by Charles, Lord Whitworth, 1758. A journey into England, by Paul Hentzner, 1598 [translated by H. Walpole] 1757. A project for raising an hospital for decayed authors, by J. Gilbert-Cooper. A parallel in the manner of Plutarch between a most celebrated man of Florence [Antonio Magliabechi] and one, scarce ever heard of, in England [Robert Hill] by [J.] Spence, 1757