“Chasing New Dreams” follows Jayden Miller, the lead member of the famous boy band Stellar Beat, as he struggles with the suffocating pressures of fame. Secretly yearning for a simpler life and a deeper sense of self, Jayden embarks on a world tour that turns into an unexpected adventure. Along the way, he meets Chase, an awkward but brilliant fan who idolizes Jayden yet isn't afraid to challenge the pop star’s reality. The unlikely duo forms a bond, and Jayden begins to question everything he thought he wanted—his career, his identity, and the shallow world of stardom.
Meanwhile, Dex, the band's goofy and unpredictable member, adds comic relief as his antics inadvertently push the group into increasingly bizarre situations. Together, the trio is forced to confront the pressures of fame, the allure of a life outside the spotlight, and the relationships that define them.
Cindy Monica is a writer with a deep interest in the science fiction and fantasy genres. With a vast imagination and a strong storytelling ability, Cindy has created unique worlds filled with adventure, magic, and inspiring characters.
As a self-publishing author, Cindy is not only involved in the writing process but also in editing, designing, and publishing her own books. Her dedication and passion for the art of storytelling drive her to continue producing new works that can be enjoyed by readers of all ages.
She hopes her works inspire readers to explore new worlds and discover deeper meanings in every story.
In her spare time, Cindy enjoys reading, drawing, and spending time in nature, which often serves as a source of inspiration for her stories. Chasing New Dreams is one of the books written by Cindy Monica.