The roadmap to success as a knowledge worker, professional, and expert has changed.
Gone are the days when education was something that only happened at the start of your career. The name of today's game, both personally and professionally, is to be constantly learning: just enough, just in time, and never stopping. But where can knowledge workers, professionals, and lifelong learners go to find the training and education they need to stay current and thrive?
It's no secret that universities and colleges are struggling to keep pace and stay current. Often out of touch, exorbitantly overpriced, and slowed by unwieldy infrastructures, bureaucracies and tenure, these institutions are fundamentally designed to deliver a mode of education that still serves an important purpose, but leaves many of our individual and collective needs for learning and growth sorely unmet.
This crisis is an opportunity for the experts and professionals who possess the knowledge and skills that are so sorely needed by so many. They solution is to package their expertise into leveraged learning programs that creates transformation for the lifelong learners who need them, and profit for the experts who create them.
Danny Iny, a successful educator entrepreneur, has been leading the charge on this growing movement. And in Leveraged Learning he lays out the guidebook for navigating and thriving in this new world – both as a lifelong learner, and as an expert with something to teach.
As a lifelong learner, you'll gain the skills and acquire the tools that you need to grow and thrive:
And as an expert with something to teach, you'll learn how to package your expertise for others' benefit, and your profit:
All this and much, much more is yours for the taking. Leveraged Learning is your indispensable guide to staying current, growing, and thriving in the modern world.