At the heart of this tragic history is one of Shakespeare's most noble characters, the statesman Brutus, who is caught in a devastating conflict between private affection and public duty.
Julius Caesar has become the most powerful man in the Rome. Does his power now threaten the very existence of the Republic itself? A conspiracy is hatched, one that will have fatal consequences not only for Caesar and the conspirators but for the future history of the ancient world.
Brutus is played by John Bowe and Mark Antony by Adrian Lester. Michael Feast is Caesar.
E. A. Copen is a coffee addict living in southern Kentucky with her cats and books. When she's not writing, she enjoys cooking and watching just about everything but romantic comedies (unless there are zombies in them). She's been a film school dropout, a professional puppeteer, and retail rebel, all of which allowed her to develop a cynical sense of humor. She is also an unapologetic nerd and occasional enjoyer of comic books and anime. She is a prolific writer of inclusive, action-oriented urban fantasy, horror, and science fiction. Several of her novels have been Amazon bestsellers.
William Shakespeare was born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden in late April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. He wrote about 38 plays (the precise number is uncertain), many of which are regarded as the most exceptional works of drama ever produced, including Romeo and Juliet (1595), Henry V (1599), Hamlet (1601), Othello (1604), King Lear (1606) and Macbeth (1606), as well as a collection of 154 sonnets, which number among the most profound and influential love poetry in English. Shakespeare died in Stratford in 1616.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, the international runaway bestseller, is an investor, entrepreneur specializing in mining and real estate, as well as an educator. Rich Dad Poor Dad, published in 1997, has held a top spot on the famed New York Times list for nearly six years. Translated into 46 languages and available in 97 countries, the Rich Dad series has sold over 26 million copies worldwide and has dominated bestsellers lists across Asia, Australia, South America, Mexico, South Africa, and Europe.