A spirit-storm causes devastation across a land and the Flower of Life is rent. The quest to findΒ its lost petals and center becomes the basis for this projectedΒ trilogy-length work. Drawing uponΒ Southwestern and Eastern Woodland Cosmology, its title Servants of the Flower World,Β invokes theΒ opposite of Lord of the Rings.Β ItΒ Β involves theΒ drama of confrontation between good and evil, which takes placeΒ in This World and an inverted Flower World, in which theΒ fate of both can goΒ either way. Join us in imagining an alternate world composed of a rich varietyΒ of beings, in whichΒ the usual pattern of might makes right is upended in unexpected ways, and a coherent, alternativeΒ and life-giving vision is offered.
The author, having recently completed a generational history of Ancestral Pueblo History and an analysis of markings on a stone using Eastern Woodland Cosmology, brings this awareness to help create a fantasy world. He also makes use of his familiarity with symbolic worlds through his work on dreams and archetypes of Western cultures from courses he has taught. Increasingly, the author feels immersed in a "flow," in which he sees his work as a collaboration between the universe and reader. He has enjoyed the challenge of creating an epic fantasy, filled with action and based on an alternative cosmology, which he invites the reader to join.