David Ahearn currently is the host of the acclaimed improv comedy show, Four Day Weekend. Ahearn has performed more than 5,700 live shows as the host of the program and he travels the world telling other people how to live their lives when he assists in delivering Four Day Weekend's "Yes, And" keynote address.
Frank Ford has had a successful career in the entertainment industry for the last twenty-five years and is one of the founding members, and partner, of Four Day Weekend. Frank has also been recognized for his numerous writing efforts, including the creation of an original television comedy series, The Bermuda Star.
David Wilk is a Founding Member of the Four Day Weekend Comedy Theater. He has performed more than 5,000 live shows. Four Day Weekend is one of the longest running shows in the United States.
Steve Menasche is a conservatory-trained actor, musician, and martial artist who has toured the world with West Side Story, Jesus Christ Superstar, and the American Folk Theatre. As a voice actor, he has completed over 140 audiobooks and has been featured in national radio and television campaigns.